Use "sit in parliament|sit in parliament" in a sentence

1. He was the first journalist to sit in parliament.

2. You'll sit in judgement, and I'll sit next to you.

3. Sit in a crater.

4. Absolute majority (in the European Parliament): Majority of the members who comprise Parliament.

5. Sit-ins, sit-downs, mass picketing.

6. Two of you sit aft and two of you sit in the front.

7. To sit in a house.

8. They sit in separate seats.

9. (Questio 3) : Utrum noscere quid sit genus sit necessarium ad Assignationem diffinitionum (Questio 4) : Utrum universale sit in intellectu (Questio 5) : Utrum genus sit equivocum (Questio 6) : Utrum genus sit cui supponitur species, et hoc est querere utrum ilia diffinitio generis sit bene data (Questio 7) : Utrum genus sit principium suarum

10. She represents the county in Parliament.

11. The issue was debated in Parliament.

12. You sit in this stunning nature."

13. Sit down - you look done in.

14. Sit in a relaxed upright posture.

15. Red Ken won seat in Parliament.

16. Let's sit in the back row.

17. Ladies usually sit in the grandstand.

18. Come in and sit yourselves down.

19. I'd like to sit in front.

20. • He is Answerable to Parliament, and to Parliament alone

21. The Government recognizes the important role Agents of Parliament play in reporting to Parliament on Government activities.

22. We sit together in the wooden booth.

23. Don't sit in the sun too long.

24. White egrets sit in a green tree.

25. Mom, can I sit in the front?

26. 13 The issue was debated in Parliament.

27. 12 Red Ken won seat in Parliament.

28. 11 The mood in Parliament remained sombre.

29. Representation in French interbank clearing & settlement systems (CRI, ABE,TARGET, classical SIT and EIC, SIT for monetics ).

30. Bags I sit in the front seat!

31. The conventions were in addition to the representation of the Burghs in the Scottish Parliament and, after 1707, the British Parliament.

32. The members shall sit in alphabetical order.

33. The Alþingi (Parliament in Icelandic, anglicised as Althingi or Althing) is the national parliament of Iceland

34. She also concurrently serves as the incumbent elected member of parliament representing Gulu Municipality in Uganda's 10th Parliament.

35. Earlier , protesters had largely taken Parliament Square and against lines of police in front of the Houses Parliament

36. Pakistan’s parliament declared Ahmadis non-Muslims in 1974

37. The party has increased its representation in Parliament.

38. Come in and sit down you look done in.

39. He will stand for Parliament in this autumn.

40. Like looking for an honest man in parliament.

41. You can sit on an Armchair, you can sit on the edge of the seat of the Armchair, you could even sit on the arm of the Armchair, but we usually just relax and sit in the Armchair

42. Sit down, please.

43. Sweetie, sit down.

44. Dissolve the parliament.

45. They don't sit in seminars on Saturday morning.

46. 47 Come down and sit in the dust,

47. Come and sit down-you look done in.

48. They sit together in a non-smoking section.

49. Would you prefer to sit in the shade?

50. Do not sit in the corner and sulk.

51. Come and sit in front of the fire.

52. Another law will gerrymander parliament in its favor.

53. They are now the majority party in Parliament.

54. He sat in Parliament for over forty years.

55. The proposed bill was decisively defeated in Parliament.

56. Just sit quietly.

57. Description: Bombed out children sit in the street

58. Compare: Don't just sit there in that Armchair

59. Here and there, husbands sit in wordless despair.

60. The green movement lacks effective representation in Parliament.

61. The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.

62. Mom(, can I sit in the front?

63. How dare you sit in judgement on me?

64. Let's sit in the shade for a while.

65. The party has a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

66. 3 The abolitionist appeal in parliament revealed subtle differences.

67. Who would then be calling the tune in Parliament?

68. In the 2009 European Parliament election he won a seat in the European Parliament with Finland's highest personal vote share (nearly 10% of all votes), becoming the first member of the Finns Party in the European Parliament.

69. Parliament could conduct itself ad absurdum in this way.

70. The opposition leader has regularly discomfited him in parliament.

71. I'd rather sit in the circle than in the stalls.

72. Just sit tight - I'll be there in five minutes.

73. 7 They are now the majority party in Parliament.

74. A member of Parliament in their own electoral district.

75. Sunny day, she can sit out in the garden.

76. We could only afford to sit in the gods.

77. You're to sit in the corner and keep quiet.

78. Just sit tight - I'll be there in ten minutes.

79. Come sit beside me.

80. He's invited us to sit in the puinus tomorrow.